Saturday, March 12, 2005
Methuselah Foundation's M Prize Reaches Milestone
You may recall Cambridge biogerontologist Dr. Aubrey De Grey. I had a short entry about him here and the pioneering work he his doing on life extention, on the occasion of the asinine hatchet-job MIT's Technology Review tried to do on him. (I'd planned to write a longer piece about this story but never quite got around to it.) According to the site FuturePundit,
Dr. William Haseltine, biotech pioneer of Human Genome Sciences fame, has joined the Three Hundred, a group of individuals who pledge to donate $1000 per year to the M Prize for the next 25 years. “I am delighted that my decision to join the Three Hundred has pushed the prize fund over its first one million dollars, which I trust is only the first of many millions,” said Dr. Haseltine of his decision. “There’s nothing to compare with this effort, and it has already contributed significantly to the awareness that regenerative medicine is a near term reality, not an IF.”Similar to the X Prize for rocketry, the M Prize is a privately funded effort to spur life extention discoveries. It's direct goals are two-fold: to extend as long as possible the life of a mouse; and, to rejuvinate a mouse who is already aged.Link.